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Seoulja Boy 서울자 보여

Joined: 01 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:49 am    AIDS subject: Reply with quote

Dunno why I haven't posted it here yet, but this is one of my favorite copypastas to flood. It's not as awesome as horse scat, but it's short enough to get a quick burst in followed by lots of habboefags having outbursts over it's absurdity.

The original shotacon fanfic by some random yaoi fangirl on a Naruto forum, it was not received well by the mods needless to say:


Chouza hears a scream and run outside and see the
snake slithering away with his young
son Chouji crying and holding his pe`nis.
He thought to hisself, the poison must go or
else he'll die within seconds.
I have no time to call for help and it is up
to me to be rid of the poison.
I have two options now, to castrate my son
or su`ck him off. Lucky for me,
I was always a bi-curious fellow so I picked
him up and gave him the blo,wjo`b of the lifetime.
The poison began coming out and it tasted
sour. However after twenty minutes of
blo"wing his tiny yet hard weiner,
something sweet came out and instead of
spitting it out, Chouza accidentally swallowed it.
It tasted so good that, I suc"ked him off for
some more. We continued this until he was
soft and I put him down.
Chouji had stopped crying by then and
was watching me with big puppy eyes
and Chouza said, "Are you okay, son?"
He replied, "Can we go again, daddy?"
"Sure, buddy."

My ancient '07 rewrite, de-Narutarded, but piss-poor poetry preserved for teh lulz:


I hear a scream and run outside and see the
snake slithering away with my son crying
and holding his pe`nis.
I thought to myself, the poison must go or
else he'll die within seconds.
I have no time to call for help and it is up
to me to be rid of the poison.
I have two options now, to castrate my son
or su`ck him off. Lucky for me,
I was always a bi-curious fellow so I picked
him up and gave him the blo,wjo`b of the lifetime.
The poison began coming out and it tasted
sour. However after twenty minutes of
blo"wing his tiny yet hard weiner,
something sweet came out and instead of
spitting it out, I accidentally swallowed it.
It tasted so good that, I suc"ked him off for
some more. We continued this until he was
soft and I put him down.
My son had stopped crying by then and
was watching me with big puppy eyes
and I said, "Are you okay, son?"
He replied, "Can we go again, daddy?"
"Sure, buddy."

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MC Scrotal Tuck
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Elite Beat Nigra

Joined: 26 Oct 2006
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Location: The Internet

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 1:02 am    AIDS subject: Reply with quote

needs more doorway to faggotry.
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